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Various vehicles can be created using a Printer to help you gather and transport Resources and Research Items, or to travel to different Planets.

Icon Rover.png Rovers

Rovers are used on the surface of planets. This includes the Buggy, Tractor, Trailer, Medium Rover and the Large Rover. Most rovers can be chained together for increased storage and utility by connecting their power cable ports, however, the speed and efficiency of the vehicle decreases as the weight of the vehicle increases.

Rovers need a supply of power, with most having built-in storage to allow for some travel time before a recharge is needed. They can be powered by any combination of modules or power generating parts made by a printer, be it solar, wind, etc.

Rovers also act as an oxygen source while standing nearby but will not supply oxygen to Tethers unless equipped with an Oxygenator. The Buggy is unique in that it only has space for a Rover Seat and spaces for two small items, preferably Small Solar Panel or Small Wind Turbine. A QT-RTG or a Small Generator can also be used to power a Buggy.

Icon Shuttle.png Shuttles

Shuttles are capable of traveling between planets. Shuttles require either a Solid-Fuel Thruster or a Hydrazine Thruster with Hydrazine to be able to launch into space.

Shuttles come in Small, Medium and Large variations. All shuttles have space for one player, requiring one or more Rover Seat to travel with more players.

Shuttles also act as an oxygen source while standing nearby but will not supply oxygen to Tethers unless equipped with an Oxygenator. Each shuttle has a Tier-2 Attachment Slot with a hologram of an Oxygenator, however, anything can be put in that slot.

The Medium and Large shuttles also have extra slots for storage, with the medium having two Tier-2 slots and the large having two Tier-3 slots.

Icon VTOL.png Jet Powered

  • The Hoverboard is a personal mobility device that allows for faster travel than by simply running. It is placed in the player's Backpack and activated when needed. It is driven by electrical Power. It can't be researched, but has to be unlocked via Missions.
  • The VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) is a lightweight aircraft that allows to travel long distances by flying over the surface of a Planet. It uses Hydrazine as fuel and has two Tier 1 and two Tier 2 slots for passengers or cargo. It can't be researched, but has to be unlocked via Missions.

Icon Rail Engine.png Rails

Rail Cars, Rail Engines, and C.O.L.E. allows players to create trains to ride along rail lines set down via Rail Post Bundles or Tall Rail Post Bundles.

Icon Recreational Sphere.png Gravity Globe

The Gravity Globe is a spherical recreational item, similar to the Recreational Sphere, that players may sit inside of and control. Galastropods may also be placed inside of the globe and will roll around on their own. They are found in certain wreckage or may be traded on the Trade Platform for 8x Astronium.


  • The LREV (Long Range Exploration Vehicle) is the spaceship that brings Astroneers to the Solar system. The player begins their games at the LREV, launching a drop pod to the planet below.

Vehicle Accessories

There are certain items that are meant to be used with (but not restricted to) a vehicle, such as:

Some of them can be activated using the context buttons (PC: C or V, Xbox: Xbox One - LB or Xbox One - RB, PS4: PS4 - L1 or PS4 - R1, Switch: Switch - L or Switch - R).