Fault Finder

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AstroWiki Warning.svg Spoiler Warning: Information below contains information that may ruin your enjoyment of discovering the game's secrets for yourself. Proceed at your own risk.

Fault Finder is an item in Astroneer. They are used to defragment data and may be traded in the Trade Platform for various items, such as Composite resources and colored Fireworks.


Output Input Module
Fault Finder Astronium
Small Printer


To use a Fault Finder, the player must place the item on the ground and activate the "scan" function on the device. The Fault Finder will then emit a purple beam as it briefly scans the area around it. After a few seconds, the beam will point to a specific spot nearby, while revealing a transparent, purple-colored ring along with a transparent, light blue-colored Fault Finder symbol. The Fault Finder must then be relocated and placed inside the ring, as close to the center as possible (though not required), and another scan initiated. This is repeated until memory fragments are detected, beginning a minigame to gather said fragments.

As the player draws closer to the specific location where the memory fragments are located, the color indicator on the Fault Finder will change from red, to yellow, to green, then finally purple, once the memory collection process begins. When the memories are collected but not yet stored, a white light will blink in the center of the Fault Finder before the player activates the device. The light will change to a solid white once finished.

When used after the missions have been completed, the minigame chosen will be at random.


Fault Finders are used in the following missions:

Post-Missions Usage

Once the player has completed the missions for Chronos, Fault Finders may be used to trade for various items in the Trade Platform. To activate the Fault Finder, the player is given one of the minigames learned through the missions, at random, to complete. These minigames may be done on any planet, at any location on the surface.

It is recommended to deploy the Fault Finder on a relatively flat and unobstructed plane to allow for easier completion. Additionally, the compass can be used to help locating memory fragments during each minigame (the closest memory fragment will be marked on the map, indicated by a light-blue symbol with binary code on it), as well as the Fault Finder itself.

Detection Methods


Synopsis: The player must find five different memory fragments around the Fault Finder and place them in specific locations around the device, one at a time.

Once started, a memory fragment will appear nearby. The player must venture towards the first fragment and touch it, which will cause the fragment to follow the player. The player must then move the fragment to a specific location. To aid the player in finding the proper placement, a ring will appear around the player, which will narrow as the player draws closer to the correct location. Additionally, a bright purple rectangle will appear in the place where the memory will be placed, which similarly becomes narrower as the player approaches the correct spot. Once close enough, the memory will "detach" and float into its proper position, and a bright purple circle will appear underneath the memory. The next memory will then appear nearby, and an indicator in the form of an acute angle beginning at the previously placed memory will point the player in the direction of the next memory. Each fragment is revealed one at a time, and in sequence, meaning that the next one will not be revealed until the player places the previous one in its proper location.

Each successfully placed fragment will "connect" to the previous one with a line of purple light. There are five memories ("points") in total, and once all five are placed, the Fault Finder will then gather the fragments, at which time the player can then store the memories.

Tip: The points of each memory fragment are placed in the shape of a pentagram, with the Fault Finder in the center, meaning that it is possible to predict and move towards the next fragment before it spawns, thus saving some time in between collecting each memory.


Synopsis: The player must collect five different memory fragments that are scattered above-ground around the Fault Finder, and return them to the device.

Once started, five memory fragments will appear above the Fault Finder and scatter out in different directions, each one stopping a certain height and distance away. The player must go to each memory and touch it, "collecting" it and causing it to follow the player. The player must collect each fragment and return it to the Fault Finder, which will then enable the memories ready for storage. Each memory can be collected and returned one at a time, or all five at once, simultaneously. To aid the player in finding each memory, a purple circle is placed below each memory mote (unless extremely high off the ground), which will become narrower and fade into a bright blue color as the player gets closer.

Tip: Each memory can potentially hover at a heights far above the ground, necessitating the use of items such as Hydrazine Jet Packs, EVA, or VTOL. Additionally, the player can immediately follow the memory fragments to their destination, collecting them shortly after their arrival and saving some time.


Synopsis: The player must collect five different memory fragments that are scattered below-ground around the Fault Finder, and return them to the device.

Unearth is similar to Gather, in that five different memories may be collected, in any order, and returned to the Fault Finder for storage. However, unlike Gather, each memory is stored below the surface of the ground, which required the player to dig for each memory. Additionally, each memory has a purple circle around the circumference of its position, which will become narrower and fade into a bright blue color as the player digs closer to the location where the memory is buried, thus allowing for greater accuracy while digging. Once unearthed, the memory will float off and return to the Fault Finder, and the player will search for the next one until all five have been gathered, at which point the player can then return to the device and store them.

Tip: It is recommended that, one the memory is collected, to re-fill or seal the hole to avoid accidentally falling in.

Trade Platform

Fault Finders can be used in the Trade Platform to obtain the following items.

Item Fault Finder:Item Ratio
Rubber 1:8
Plastic 1:8
Aluminum Alloy 1:4
Tungsten Carbide 1:4
Graphene 1:1
Diamond 1:1
Hydrazine 1:2
Silicone 1:2
Explosive Powder 1:2
Steel 1:2
Titanium Alloy 2:1
Nanocarbon Alloy 4:1
QT-RTG 4:1
Hybrid Rose Seed 1:2
Beach Ball 1:1
Blue Firework 1:8
Green Firework 1:8
Orange Firework 1:8
Teal Firework 1:8
Violet Firework 1:8
Yellow Firework 1:8


  • When placed on the ground, a Small Platform will appear below the Fault Finder
  • Given helium, a Nanocarbon Alloy can be had for less than 4 Fault Finders each. 1 Fault finder will give the player 2 Steel, and 4 more will give 2 Titanium Alloy, for a total of 5 finders rather than 8 per 2 Nanocarbon Alloy. However, this requires having Helium on hand and running the materials through a Chemistry Lab, rather than simply receiving the finished product.
  • The compass icon for the each memory contains the number "010110001." Roughly translated into binary, this number is "177" in decimal form.
  • The Fault Finder can make the initial scan from your backpack, but on the subsequent scan locations it must be placed on the ground. Standing on the scan location with the Fault Finder on you is not sufficient.
  • If you reach the fault location but then decide against actually going through with the detection (difficult location, least favorite method, etc), you can cancel the detection, take the Fault Finder elsewhere, and track down a different fault.

Item Description

Detection Method: [Error // Method Undetermined] (Inactive, new Fault Finder)

I have modified the simulation so that you may trade decrypted Fault Finders using the Trade Platform. In exchange, you will receive items and resources that are normally restricted. You're welcome. Tears in the simulation may be located on the surface of any planet.

Detection Method: Align

A device used for locating Chronos's fractured memories. Motes discovered by this Fault Finder can be collected and must then be placed in a specific position to activate them. Once activated, return to the Fault Finder to store the fractured memories.

Detection Method: Gather

A device used for locating Chronos's fractured memories. Motes discovered by this fault can be collected by approaching them. Return each mote to the Fault Finder to store the fractured memories.

Detection Method: Unearth

A device used for locating Chronos's fractured memories. Motes discovered by this Fault Finder can be collected by using the dig tool in the marked areas. Once collected, return to the Fault Finder to store the fractured memories.

All Memories Collected, Ready For Storage

Chronos Memory ready for decryption.

"Completed" Fault Finder

Code decryption complete. I have modified the simulation so that you may trade decrypted Fault Finders using the Trade Platform. In exchange, you will receive items and resources that are normally restricted. You're welcome.
