Ice-olated Specimen (Breakdown Event)

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Ice-olated Specimen are an event item in Astroneer, and part of the Breakdown Event.


Astral Figurines are only found in Caves, Mantles, Core, and very rarely, in Ravines. They start as Ice-olated Specimen before being dug up, resembling snowmen.


Ice-olated Specimens can be "used" or dug out with the Terrain Tool and "common" specimens give one of the following: Automaton 009, Mysterious Biofuel, Noxothane, or Cosmic Bauble. In the Mantles and Core, the "common" specimens instead give Resipound. There is also a larger variant of these specimens that is not labeled as "common" in these regions, and they give a Leek.


  • Currently, we only can see ones that have the description of "Common".
