Fractal Rose

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The Fractal Rose is a special flora in Astroneer, used as part of the Awakening missions. The appearance of Fractal Roses change depending on which planet the seed is planted on.


Fractal Roses may be grown using Fractal Rose Seeds. These may be obtained by harvesting Fractal Roses on Novus or from Fractal Roses grown from Hybrid Rose Seeds.


Due to the guaranteed drop of a Seed to replant the fractal rose, fractal roses can be used as a simple yet powerful Byte farm. Using an automated loop to activate a Proximity Repeater can continuously plant and harvest the fractal roses. Each time a fractal rose is harvested it has a chance to drop a Research Sample which yield 100-125 bytes when researched. The automated loop which plant and harvest the fractal roses also simultaneously harvest any research samples. To avoid having any research samples or seeds falling out of the range of the proximity repeater, it is recommended to place this system inside of a hole that is about the size of the proximity repeater's range.
